Monday, February 2, 2009

Are You All In?

One of the things that I learned early on in my 30 year network marketing career was that if you treat your network marketing business like a hobby, you'll get paid like a hobby, but if you treat your business as a business, you'll get paid like a business. So, the question is, do you want to get paid as a hobby or a business?

If your answer is hobby, they you can go back to the TV, because the rest of this article is for those of you who want to make a full-time income in network marketing.

If you had invested $1 million dollars of borrowed money into a McDonald's franchise, would you treat that business like a hobby - doing it whenever you have a little extra time? Of course not! You would be there early and late, working hard to pay back the money you borrowed. Interestingly enough, the average McDonald's owner doesn't earn a six figure income from the business until around year five. Yet, I know thousands of people in network marketing, who invested under $500, who started making a six-figure income in their first year in business. I know people who earned seven figure incomes in under 3 years!

So, how did they do it? They treated their network marketing business as if they had invested $1 million to start the business. They were all in! They were committed! Are you all in? Are you committed to your business? If not, you won't succeed. So, get committed.

First, you need to be committed to the company - you need to know that you are with the best company in the industry. Stop looking at everything that shows up in your e-mail box - just hit delete and stay focused on your business. If you aren't committed, you need to read, listen to, and watch everything you can find on the company. You need to attend every even that is possible. If you can, fly to the headquarters and tour the facility. Meet the founders and staff. It's worth the time and money to build that level of belief.

Second, you need to be committed to your product/service. You need to use it and recognize the benefits for yourself. You need a story - a testimony. If you don't have a story or testimony from your product or service, then get one. If you can't, then maybe you need to find a different product or service.

Third, you need to be committed to your upline and team. Get to know them. Go upline and find out who you are working with. Network marketing is a team business. You are in business for yourself, with all the benefits of a business, but not in business by yourself. You have people who have a vested interest in your success - get to know them. Ask them to train and support you. Share your dreams and goals with them. Find out their dreams and goals and commit to helping them reach their goals.

Fourth, you need to be committed to your downline team. Don't just sponsor people and then leave them. Be a responsible sponsor. Treat them like they were your spouse, child, or best friend. Find out their dreams and goals and make a commitment to help them achieve those. Your success is their success. The more people you help become successful, the greater your success.

Fifth, you need to be committed to yourself and your family. You're not going to secure your financial future and that of your family by working a job. It's your network marketing business that will help you develop the income and time freedom necessary to secure your financial future. So, put the blinders on and put the time, energy, and money into your business, so that you can achieve success in reaching your dreams. Take some calculated risks. Get out of your comfort zones and do things that are uncomfortable. Talk with more people. Follow-up with everyone. Get up in front of groups and do presentations. The more you get out of your comfort zones, the greater your success.

I was once told that you can't learn to swim sitting on the side of the pool with your feet dangling in the water. You have to jump in. You can't build a business sitting on the sidelines - you have to jump in. You have to be all in - totally committed! The good news is that if you jump in and make that kind of commitment for long enough (that will depend on you and your opportunity), you will achieve a high level of success and be able to live the lifestyle that most people only dream about. Sound good? Then, what are you waiting for jump in. The waters fine.

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