Monday, April 11, 2011

Get'r Done

We’ve heard it from the Nascar circuit, in movies, on television, and even out of the mouth of former President, Bush. Well now it’s time to get’r done in network marketing. The key here is that in order to finish first, you have to get started and in this article I’m going to address how to get started right. Whether you’re brand new to the network marketing industry or have been around awhile, but aren’t making money, it’s time to get’r done!

A very high percentage of people fail in network marketing and after interviewing hundreds of those people, I am convinced that the primary reason is that they never get started. Oh, they attend some meetings, read materials, look at web sites, watch DVD’s and listen to CD’s. They are on all the conference calls and webcasts. They’ve got their office organized and systems in place. The shelves are full of marketing materials and their associate web site is operational. Sound familiar? The problem with this is that none of these activities will directly build a network and that’s what this is all about.

Okay, let’s get started getting you started:

1.   Purpose – in order to be successful in network marketing you must have a solid “why” for your business. Are you building a business to have more time freedom to enjoy family? Do you want to get out of a dead end job? Are you trying to secure your financial future? Would you like to do mission work or help out in your community? These are all purposes for building a network marketing business, so what is your’s?

2.   Goals – once you have a solid purpose that will keep you going through thick and thin, you must set specific goals that will enable to you accomplish your purpose. Here you will probably need the help of your sponsor or a successful upline leader. In order to accomplish your purpose, you will need to be at a certain income level. Work with your upline on what is necessary to reach that income level and set the necessary goals to accomplish that.

3.   Objectives – now that you have a list of specific goals, begin to break them down into bite size objectives or activities that you can work on each day. Work on one goal at a time until you have all of them broken down into singular activities.

4.   Schedule – at the beginning of each week, use your calendar, planner, or PDA to schedule activities for the week. First, block out fixed activities such as sleep, meals, job, and anything relating to your family. Then fill the open blocks of time with business objectives. If other activities are presented, you will need to evaluate whether the new activity is more important than the one already scheduled.

5.   Review – begin and end each day by reviewing your purpose, goals, objectives, and schedule. Adjust as necessary.

6.   Do it – now it’s time for action. Work through your daily objectives and complete everything every day. Make sure that you are working on the highest priority activities – prospecting, presenting, follow-up, sponsoring, training, and supporting, as they will help you build a large and successful business.

7.   Do it over and over and over – once you have a plan in place, the key is to do those high priority objectives over and over. Keep prospecting, presenting, and following up until you sponsor someone. Then train and support them properly, so that they can duplicate what you’ve been doing. Meanwhile continue prospecting, presenting, and following-up, until you sponsor your second person. Now train and support that new person. Do this over and over and over.

At first things will build excruciatingly slow, but soon you’ll pick up some momentum. The next thing you know people will be joining your network from all over the world – people you don’t know. The checks will start rising and one day one of the corporate people will ask you to speak at the annual convention. But, it all starts at the beginning with getting started.

So, don’t wait until Monday (unless today is Monday), get started right now. Begin with #1 and work through #6 today. Then commit to working this system every day for the next year and I know that you will enjoy financial success in your business.

What are you waiting for? Get’r done!